Cognitive Assessment in Adult Cardiac Arrest Survivors: What Is Known and How Shall We Move Forward?


  • Han Shi Jocelyn Chew
  • Ho Yu Cheng
  • Xi Cao
  • Violeta Lopez



cognitive, scoping, cardiac arrest, rehabilitation, OHCA


Background: Cardiac arrest (CA) remains the leading cause of premature deaths. Survivors often suffer from ischaemia-reperfusion injuries,which lead to neurological damage, cognitive impairment and psychosocial problems. While most survivors have to be assessed and deemed neurologically and functionally fit enough before discharge, adequacy of cognitive function is often neglected. This leads to problems with memory, attention, and executive function that are important for daily living.

Aim: This study aims to provide an overview of existing literature regarding the use of cognitive assessment in adult CA survivors.

Methods: A scoping review was conducted.

Results/Findings: 62 articles were included and the existing relevant literature on the use of cognitive assessment can be mapped into the following themes: neurological–cognitive–psychosocial sequelae, effects of therapeutic hypothermia, prediction of cognitive function, adequacy of cognitive assessment tools, and effectiveness of post-CA rehabilitation interventions with cognitive domain. There is currently no consensus on the cognitive screening tool for cardiac arrest survivors although it is clear that they suffer from cognitive impairments especially memory and executive function.

Conclusion: Routine cognitive testing should be part of follow-up care especially alongside cardiac rehabilitation to enhance patient outcomes and secondary prevention through complex self-care. This may decrease mortality, morbidity, and disease burden on an individual, national, and even global level.


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