Exploration of Workplace Bullying in Emergency and Critical Care Nurses in Cyprus
workplace bullying, mobbing, intimidation, victimization, critical care, emergency departmentAbstract
Background: Workplace bullying is considered as an extreme work-related stressor, associated with mental and physical burden.
Aim: Investigation of workplace bullying occurrence and related factors in Greek-Cypriot nurses employed in private and public emergency (emergency departments [EDs]) and critical care settings (intensive care units [ICUs], coronary critical care units [CCCUs]).
Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional correlation study was performed. Following informed consent, a convenience sample of 113 nurses agreed to participate in the study.
Results: The response rate was 32.56%. 68.1% (N = 77) of the participants reported direct experience of workplace bullying as victims, while 57.5% (N = 65) reported experience of witnessing workplace bullying in others (indirect exposure). A statistically significantly higher frequency of direct workplace bullying victimization was observed in ICUs compared to EDs and CCCUs (p = .031), while both direct and indirect victimization were more often reported in participants in public hospitals (p < .003). There was no statistically significant difference in the frequency of direct/indirect workplace bullying experiences between male and female participants (p = .772), while those holding a Master's degree reported more frequently experiences of and indirect bullying victimization (p = .001).
Conclusions: The present study presents data on the sociodemographic characteristics of critical and emergency nurses who become more often the target of bullying/mobbing behavior in Cyprus. Though, due to the low response rate further quantitative and qualitative studies are proposed.
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