Provision of Critical Care Nurse Education: WFCCN Position Statement


  • Editorial Team International Journal of Critical Care



critical care, nursing, education, position statement


Objective: The objective of the WFCCN review group was to review and update the existing Declaration of Madrid (2005). The aim of the revised Position Statement is to provide international recommendations based on universal principles to help guide health services, educational facilities and critical care nursing organizations in the development of appropriate educational programs for critical care nurses.

Methods: Following establishment of a review group comprised of critical care clinicians, leaders, and researchers from four continents, a literature search was undertaken, which informed the review of the 2005 Declaration and its subsequent revision contained in this 2020 Position Statement.

Results: The 2020 Position Statement on the Provision of Critical Care Nurse Education was developed.

Conclusions: Critically ill patients have unique needs and must be cared for by registered nurses with specialized critical care knowledge and competence. The recommendations made in this position statement represent universal principles to help guide health centers, educational facilities, and critical care nursing organizations in the development of appropriate educational programs for registered nurses who are required to care for critically ill patients and their families.


Australian College of Critical Care Nurses Critical Care Nursing Education Advisory Committee. (2017). ACCCN position statement on critical care nursing education.

Canadian Association of Critical Care Nurses. (2017). Standards for critical care nursing practice (5th ed.).

Canadian Association of Critical Care Nurses. (2018). Position statement on healthy work environments.

World Federation of Critical Care Nurses. (2005). Declaration of Madrid on the provision of critical care nursing education.

World Federation of Critical Care Nurses. (2016). Constitution.


